23.01.2023 - Underdogmusic die uns durch die traumhafte Winterlandschaft zu Großem befähigt. Simply beautiful
17.12.2017 - The end of the year is fast approaching – so it’s time to share with you my pick for the best Album of the year. I’ll be starting the hour with a couple of tracks from the runner-up the latest LP from Spoon “Hot Thoughts” and then...
17.05.2017 - SXSW (South By Southwest), the largest Pop/Rock music-showcase festival in the world, is held annually over the course of 6 days during the March Spring break in Austin Texas. I attended the 2017 SXSWFestival for Radio FRO in March. This show...
13.01.2015 - Musikalische Leckerbissen, frisch aus Teresa’s Soundkistn…jeden 2. Montag im Monat, 14.07h auf Radio B138.
04.01.2015 - Musikalische Leckerbissen, frisch aus Teresa’s Soundkistn…jeden 2. Montag im Monat, 14.07h auf Radio B138