18.08.2023 - A previous large clinical trial had already shown that a Mediterranean diet is effective in cardiovascular prevention, compared with (in simplified terms) “do nothing about your diet, change nothing.” Cardiovascular events are not only but...
09.06.2023 - Prevention of cardiovascular disease, i.e., the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Should we take a low-dose aspirin every day? The answer has changed. The new answer, for most of us, is “No.” Acetylsalicylic acid is also known as ASA...
02.09.2022 - Cardiovascular disease is a general term for medical conditions affecting the heart and/or the blood vessels. Generally speaking, cardiovascular disease can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle. In addition, eating a diet low in salt, i.e.,...
15.08.2022 - Stroke is an important disease. It can lead to death or permanent disability. A stroke is a medical emergency. Urgent treatment of a stroke is essential. A stroke unit is an identifiable unit in a hospital. A stroke unit almost entirely is devoted...
17.07.2020 - The first medical topic today: Patients with atrial fibrillation frequently also have coronary artery disease. In the treatment of such patients for their atrial fibrillation: Less is more. The conclusion from a large clinical study is that...
12.06.2020 - The first medical topic today: The prevention of stroke, namely, the secondary prevention of stroke, that is, the prevention of a recurrence of stroke—after a first stroke. Several questions were better resolved last year with the help of...
13.01.2020 - This month, we continue with the last three important medical topics from 2018. Next month we will move on to 2019 and discuss the most important medical topics from the year 2019. The first medical news today: The mitral valve of the heart is one...
07.03.2019 - The Massachusetts Medical Society chooses the most important medical topics each year. You’ve already heard the four most important medical topics from the year 2018. This month, you hear the next two topics from the year 2018. Omega-3 fatty...
29.01.2019 - A prestigious medical society, Massachusetts Medical Society, had selected the most important medical topics of the past year at the beginning of each year, but in 2019, there has been a change. There was the selection as usual, plus, and this is...
29.03.2018 - Cryptogenic stroke means unexplained stroke. The cause of the stroke remains unknown. The foramen ovale is a small opening between the right atrium of the heart and the left atrium of the heart. It closes during infancy in about 75%. In about 25%,...