15.01.2021 - Volunteer Stories, Do. 14.01., 16-17h Season 2 episode 11 of Volunteer Stories features two university students named Lee and Sapphire. Both students volunteer for activity clubs at their university. Lee volunteers for the UCAS Guitar Club and...
12.10.2020 - Erasmus, das heißt für viele Europa bereisen, ein oder zwei Semester in einer anderne Stadt studieren und dafür auch noch Geld bekommen. Doch was muss alles davor gemacht werden, wie läuft so ein Erasmus Semester ab und wie fühlt man sich...
19.08.2020 - Volunteer Stories, Do. 13.8., 16-17h Season 2 episode 3 of Volunteer Stories features Anastasiia Isakii who has volunteered for many organisations including UEFA, AIESEC, and Lean In. Anastasiia has also co-founded her own not-for-profit global...
12.08.2020 - Gea Gračner talks to Alex a student of Pedagogical field at the University of Graz who managed productively to use the lockdown time to finish her thesis about how playing rolegames can be a really deep learning experience. Alex talks about a...
02.08.2020 - Volunteer Stories, Do. 23.7., 16-17h Season 2 episode 2 of Volunteer Stories features Costas Georgiou and Petros Djakouris who are the founders of BeHive – a volunteer run organisation which empowers university students and career starters...
09.06.2020 - Theresia Moll and Luca Braun are students in Graz. Gea Gračner talked with them about consequences of university-lockdown during the corona-crisis on progress of their studying and about methods and approaches of studying during the past three...
12.11.2019 - For a second time the WG-Küche is completely in English and not only the spoken language will be international! The newest issue is about living and studying in Innsbruck as someone from another country. How it is to come from another country and...
05.07.2019 - Die Bildungswege der Menschen werden nach wie vor von der sozialen Herkunft beeinflusst. So ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Arbeiterkind an einer Universität studiert, etwa dreimal geringer, als dies aus einer Akademikerfamilie der Fall ist....
09.06.2019 - The third episode of the WG-Küche is about the “psychotherapists of the patrons”: the Barkeeper. We try to get to the bottom of what makes them achieve this area of work, what skills did they have to learn, what art lies behind the job at the...
09.06.2019 - The third episode of the WG-Küche is about the “psychotherapists of the patrons”: the Barkeepers. We try to get to the bottom of what makes them achieve this area of work, what skills did they have to learn, what art lies behind the job at...