10.02.2023 - we are celebrating the 10th show of Electric City.
09.12.2022 - We sweep the needles from the Christmas tree with the finest electronic music.
16.11.2022 - Diese Ausgabe ist elektronisch!
11.11.2022 - Unreal Distance - two hours electronic music for you
09.09.2022 - Accompanies us into the eletronic aisle
15.07.2022 - Electronic Music around the World
11.06.2022 - Electric City - delivers fresh electronic music from around the world
01.06.2022 - In der 57. Episode von Highscore gibt’s ein Spiel, das ich aus unerklärlichen Gründen lange liegen gelassen habe, aber jetzt glücklicherweise doch noch einmal probiert habe: Furi. Das Spiel des französischen Indie-Studios “The Game...
13.01.2021 - Dead Air promises to ease you into the new year with a jamboree of high-grade class A music, advice and celebrity gossip. Following the significant backlash from last month’s Corona Cookery Tips, The Parisian Listener treats us to a January...
10.03.2019 - GIORGIO”From Here To Eternity”(LP/Full LP Version/1977/Oasis) PAUL MC CARTNEY”Temporary Secretary”(Remaster) FAUNA”Went Home Got Lost”(LP/”Its Lonely At The Top”/Ventil) PARK AVENUE”Looking...