07.03.2021 - More new music than a new music shop!
30.09.2019 - Dieses mal, bereits schon sechsten Mal, unternimmt die «ORANGENE JUKEBOX», eine musikalische Reise auf Schienen, mit sogenannten «TRAIN SONGS». Ein bunt gemischtes Musikprogramm aus den verschiedensten «GENRES» wie «COUNTRY», «ROCK...
21.10.2016 - Cool Britannia Gets Married! Marriage is a big step about which many artists have sung. For tonight’s show, the CB team have selected some of their favourite songs about wedding and marriage – and not all of them are happy! Billy Idol...
12.06.2015 - Most musicians form bands with their schoolfriends, or even respond to adverts in the local press. These guys decided to keep it in the family. Join us for a selection of tracks by musical siblings. It’s not ‘Brothers in Arms’,...