28.01.2008 - Black History Month Special This month, we speak to Joanna Godwin-Seidl, the director of the Vienna Theatre Project. The VTP has organised this year’s Black History Events, in cooperation with the US Embassy. Highlights are the benefit gala...
09.12.2007 - SONGWRITER SPECIAL: BOXER JOHN & LAURA AND THE COMRATS Boxer John and Laura, from Laura and the Comrats, two protagonists of the Viennese singer and songwriter scene are talking with Dr. Kazoo about the roll music plays in their lifes, how...
08.02.2006 - Es geht um zwei AutorInnen, die sich mit Wien beschäftigen: Eva Menasse – „Vienna“ und Georg Stefan Troller mit seinem jüngsten Buch „Das fidele Grab an der Donau. Mein Wien 1918 – 1938“. In der Sendung sind Ausschnitte aus einem...