17.05.2021 - Untertage präsentiert Singer Songwriter Pop und die etwas unerwarteteren Metamorphosen dieser Musikrichtung ("nerdy friends" ;-)). Geboten wird ein breites Sammelsurium all jener die sich mehr oder weniger zu Pop zählen. All Music made in...
12.05.2021 - Auralizing your dreams
14.04.2021 - auralizing your dreams
22.03.2021 - Untertage - Best of "No Genre, Just Music made in Austria"
10.03.2021 - Art, Fire, Water, Flowers. Cats, Cars. If the late winter sun has you hankering for the romantic promise of spring, Dead Air will come on strong and then cleft your heart in twain. superstar contributors: – Celebrity Hairdresser Leanne...
03.03.2021 - This episode of Qualle19 is all about the Label Tender Matter, funded in 2020 in Vienna, which focuses on the works of queer and gender non confoming artists in electronic music.
22.02.2021 - Untertage - Jazz & Weltmusik made in Austria
10.02.2021 - February is the month of Dead Air. February is the month of Love. Dead Air is Love. Prepare to be swooned with poetry, knocked-out with numbers and caressed by cats on this month’s Valentine’s special. Celebrity hairdresser Leanne...
18.01.2021 - Untertage - Electro & Weird Stuff Sounds made in Austria mit Interview the Devisl's Empire
13.01.2021 - Dead Air promises to ease you into the new year with a jamboree of high-grade class A music, advice and celebrity gossip. Following the significant backlash from last month’s Corona Cookery Tips, The Parisian Listener treats us to a January...