17.02.2025 - Dance, Folk, Pop, Country, Hip Hop, Ambient , Experimental, Delta Blues, Rock, and Rap from music makers of the Mohawk, Cayuga, Cree, Metis, Oji-Cree, Navajo, Oglala Lakota, Wolastoqewiyik, Ojibwe and Inuk nations
02.07.2024 - LoFi, Indie, Pop, Techno, Hip-Hop, Singer/Songwriter, Country, Disco, Rap and Reggae from members of the Oglala, Nisenan, Washoe, Métis, Tlingit, Mohawk, Inuk, Kitasoo, Wolastoqewiyik, Cree, Innu, Hupa, Odawa, and Yaqui nations.