23.05.2011 - In today’s programme we will not only travel, but also use a whole lot of different means of transport. We will start with an old Cuban steam train, hear about people who are in love with their car and others who claim they can go at 120...
23.05.2011 - In our show number 13 we are going to take you around the world in 13 songs. You will listen to a cooperation between European and African artists called Sanza. You will hear the Burundian singer Kadja Nin who blends African elements with European...
18.05.2011 - Zur Person: ER ist Pianist und Akkordeonist (Balkan Band von Nenad Vasilic, Stefan Heckel Group), SIE ist Fagottistin und Sängerin (u. a. bei den Wiener Philharmonikern, Zusammenarbeit u.a mit Bertl Mütter). Beide stammen aus der...
04.05.2011 - This time our show is dedicated to string instruments. It’s impossible to include all of them in only an hour and a half time, but we chose some curiosities like the charango from the Andes with a string ensemble, and an unusual arrangement...
04.05.2011 - This show starts with a nice instrumental played by a US band called Calexico. Liuba María Hevia sings her modern version of a song written in 1935 „Veinte Años“, an example of the Cuban genre called Habanera. Great Britain is...
30.03.2011 - This programme is about animals – real and figurative ones. You will hear songs about flies, a bullfight from the point of view of the bull, cows protesting against artificial insemination, bird romances, rather special dogs, real and not so...
23.03.2011 - This is a lively show that welcomes you with The Cars singing „Hello again“ with the characteristic sound of the 80’s.You will find the passionate spirit of a Polish band called Dikanda that mixes Balkan rhythms with several...
21.02.2011 - Our 7th show brings interesting cooperations between a singer and dancer from India and a French musician, country music by Alan Jackson, progressive rock by Kansas and other genres you will discover while listening. And although we didn’t...
25.01.2011 - This program is about random duets or cooperations between musicians. As usual, we try to go beyond any borders, so a singer from Argentina joins another one from Mexico, a Panamenian sings with someone from the United States, an Austrian and a...
11.01.2011 - Our journey this time takes the energy of the new year that has just begun. Songs like „Abriendo puertas“ (Gloria estefan), „From the Beginning“ (emerson Lake and Palmer), „La robe et l’échelle“ (Francis...