02.12.2024 - Gesundheitsimpulse – Expert*innenwissen auf Empfang! In dieser Sendung wird das Thema Gesundheit ganzheitlich durch Interviews mit spannenden Gästen aus den unterschiedlichsten Tätigkeitsbereichen beleuchtet. Diesmal zu Gast waren Angus &...
23.10.2020 - FROM ancient times yogis have postulated that there are three levels of human embodiment: a CAUSAL body of thought and believe an ASTRAL body of emotion and desire and a PHYSICAL body of material substance. Our three bodies are knit together...
22.05.2020 - „People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and with that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look,...
14.09.2017 - WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY, the teacher will appear…. You are listening to VENUSfrequency, the yogic edition, this is annemarie, bringing you a pop|culture take on the yoga, meditation and REIKI energy lifestyle, in support of a more mindful...
07.03.2016 - Anna Bammer, geb. 1983 in Gmunden, aufgewachsen in Scharnstein/OÖ; 2000-2003 Schule für Gesundheits- & Krankenpflege in Steyr, 2003-2009 Intensivkrankenschwester für Schwerbrandverletzte im AKH Wien und 2009-2015 Intensivkrankenschwester an...