14.05.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.37 today, one view at it from a scolarly and traditional may I say conservative perspective, using my yoga sutra study companion book, THE YOGA SUTRAS of PATANJALI, by EDWIN f. BRYANT and one more contemporary explanation...
30.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.35 today, steadiness and for whatever reason, the 4 agreements and DON MIGUEL RUIZ showed up in my life again yesterday, so it seems as this show might just be filled with that toltec teaching. I got to meet Don Miguel a...
23.04.2021 - Patanjali’s Sutra 1.34 today, bringing forth exhalation, tetention, BREATH which stability of mind can be gained through, and with that, VAYU the lord of WINDS as deity of breath appeared in my mind too and as promised last week already, we...
19.03.2021 - arriving at Patanjali’s Sutra 1.30 today, the inability to stay grounded, the NINE obstacles aka distractions or confusions to the mind. I have to admit, I binged on a little coffee the past few days, but I am off it again. Trying to find my...
05.03.2021 - it still is OM time, Japa, Mantra OM vibrations with, Sutra 1.28, … and a patanjalic view on the GOALS of yoga as outlined by Edwin F Bryant in his book the YOGA SUTRAS of Patanjali… Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom...
26.02.2021 - its OM time, with one of my favorite Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra 1.27, … we will put our attention to the 3rd eye the pineal glandand the overuse, misuse and misunderstandings of Tantra Yoga is going to be a topic for not just today, aaaand...
31.07.2020 - You are forever pure You are forever true & the dream of this world Can never touch you So give up your attachment & give up your confusion & fly to that space That’s beyond all illusion Suddhossi buddhossi Sanskrit mantra originally...