31.07.2024 - Ciao Guys! In diesem Podcast erzähl ich euch, was es mit dem Bludfest auf sich hat, warum Yungblud eine Verbindung zu der Sängerin Halsey hat und alles, was man noch so über ihn wissen sollte 😉 Enjoy it! Ida
05.03.2023 - Ageism is a real thing, especially for young people, for children and teenagers. What does it feel like to be treated as someone less worth just because of your age.
29.01.2023 - For this one I had no topic planned to talk about so we just listend to music. From Kpop to Metal,Rock,Pop-Punk and many more genres I tried to include everything. I hope you enjoyed it 🙂 List of Songs that got played (if you feel interested in...