bericht: BEYOND 2008 VIENNA ngo forum zur drogenpolitik. beatriz negrety condori 1

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  • bericht: BEYOND 2008 VIENNA ngo forum zur drogenpolitik. beatriz negrety condori 1
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Inside the frame of the decision by UNDOC, from the year 1998-„the war on drugs”-and during the evaluationin the beginning of the year 2008; it turned out, that we are even more than ever far away from the declared finish line.
So NGO`s organized themselves more and more, to bring in a human touch into the socalled drug politics.
have a look at:

Doku: Drogen-Friedenskonferenz im alten AKH in Wien – Joep Oomen

While international politicians had decided to overthink again their unfunctional ideas until next year; NGO`s experianced with the-more than anything-unhuman effects for effected people by „the war on drugs”.
Beatriz Negrety Condori had some interviws with some participiciants taken, the speaker`s talks are originally either spanish or english.
Thanks to don paco you can enjoy the speakers talking in german, english and spanish
Of course right here.
beatriz negrety condori 1 e.

look here:

bericht: BEYOND 2008 VIENNA ngo forum zur drogenpolitik. ein sprecher von UNGASS

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