Nr 122 Rocking 50s…… New Zealand 50s R&R .Folge(1) Auckland & Nord Island

Rocking 50s
  • Nr 122 Rocking 50s...... New Zealand 50s R&R .Folge(1) Auckland & Nord Island
1 ч. 26 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.461...Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
1 ч. 01 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.460...Let´s Go Rockabilly
1 ч. 03 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr. 459... Rock Bop jump & Jive
1 ч. 00 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr. 458...Look Out R&B !
1 ч. 00 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr. 457...That´s it
1 ч. 03 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.456... Rhythm & Blues & Bop
1 ч. 04 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.455... New Mexico Rockabilly
1 ч. 08 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.454....Red Hot Rocking Blues
1 ч. 01 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.453....Wa-Chic-Ka-Noka
1 ч. 05 сек.
The Rocking 50s Nr.452....Osage Stomp

In dieser ersten Folge New-Zealand fifties Rock and Roll beschäftigen wir uns hauptsächlich mit Lokale und Regionale (Maori) bands aus der Aucklandregion und der gesamten Nordinsel 1954-62.

The late forties and early fifties saw a significant sociological change in New Zealand with the migration of Maori people from the smaller towns and settlements to the major cities.
Along with this came the rise of the Maori Showbands. These were usually quite large groups, often with the members being talented multi-instrumentalists. They played everything from dance and country music to rock and roll, their own indigenous songs, and even included comedy skits in their acts.
Groups such as the Maori Hi-Five, the Quin Tikis, the Maori Hi-Liners, and the maori Troubadours soon became established names. Many of these show bands later ventured overseas, with Australia, the Pacific Islands, and the United States being popular destinations.
First broadcasting date 31.01.2004 Radio Fabrik Salzburg Austria
2.02.2004 Radio FRO Linz Austria

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