Mission Eternity von Etoy at the Ars Electronica Festival 2009

  • Mission Eternity von Etoy at the Ars Electronica Festival 2009
50:00 Min.
COP29: Zukunft oder Stagnation?
49:59 Min.
Weltempfänger: Press Freedom Awards
50:00 Min.
Neueröffnung Medien Kultur Haus Wels
29:57 Min.
Ein "Medienspielplatz" in Wels
16:49 Min.
Einwegpfandsystem Österreich 2025 - Interview mit Monika Fiala
34:07 Min.
Verbale Gewalt erkennen
58:44 Min.
Gewalt in der Sprache
50:00 Min.
Weltempfänger: Gewerkschaftskämpfe in Brasilien
29:54 Min.
Institutionelle Gewalt im Familienrecht
50:11 Min.
Gewalt durch Institutionen

Etoy is a cooperation with agents all around the world. They deal with current issues and pack them into projects that realy make you think. Mission Eternity is such a project and was one of the projects presented at the Ars Electonica Festival 2009 in the Festival Quaters.

MISSION ETERNITY is an information technology-driven cult of the dead
etoy.CORPORATION digitally sends M∞ PILOTS across the ultimate boundary to investigate afterlife, the most virtual of all worlds. Currently 1149 registered users build a community of the living and the dead that reconfigures the way information society deals with memory (conservation / loss), time (future / present / past) and death. Under the protection of thousands of M∞ ANGELS (the living) the M∞ PILOTS (the dead) travel space and time forever. 3 of the Miss

3 oft the Misson Eternity agents, etoy Monorom, etoy Zai and etoy Silvan visited the Radio FRO studio on the 7th of September, to tell us more about their project. As their arrival was a bit delayed and the time to talk further got a bit short, I invited them to a more extended interview which they thankfully agreed to.

Here you can hear the extended interview with etoy to Mission Eternity.

If you want to become a M∞ ALPHA ANGEL and host a few test bytes of the digital remains of our TEST PILOTS on your MAC or UNIX computer. Your participation and pioneer role is rewarded with the ALPHA ANGEL PATCH.

More: www.missioneternity.org

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