Civilmedia09, Day 2: CoE Campaign „Speak out against discrimination” (Nadia Bellardi & Stefan Tenner)

  • Civilmedia09, Day 2: CoE Campaign "Speak out against discrimination" (Nadia Bellardi & Stefan Tenner)
36 mp.
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CMFE (Community Media Forum Europe) is participating to the Council of Europe’s Speak out against discrimination Campaign. In particular, we are part of the „Media & Diversity” component of the campaign, working on the topic of proactive policies to promote access for minorities to media professions and productions. The campaign is also encouraging media professionals to produce and disseminate high-quality, professional information promoting intercultural dialogue and the fight against discrimination in Europe.

In this workshop we would like to briefly present the campaign and discuss the issues of media / diversity / intercultural dialogue / antidiscrimination, identifying the main principles and values commonly shared by community media at the European level on these issues. In particular, we would like to collect feedback on best practices and policies in community media regarding both recruitment and editorial content, from the point of view of diversity.

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