Menschenrechte und Zivilcourage: Moderation Ike Okafor

Voice Of Africa
  • 2013.12.14_2000.10-2100.00__voA
1 hrs 59:47 min
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Sheriff Akatah Afro Beats, Back from Holiday
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Miss T- a singer and DJ from Vienna, Live interwiev
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The voice of Afrika two hours hot african tunes
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A Interwiev with Hassan Bond Mussa a Tv Presenter from Tanzania
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20 Years after the Genocide in Rwanda with Dady de Maximo MWICIRA MITALI and Mr uche Njoku
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AK-Wahl OÖ 2014 Chamber of Labor Palamentary Elections.
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The new Asylum Law and the new Citizenship regulations

Österreich hat im Vergleich zu viele anderen Länder einen hohen sozial- und rechtsstaatlichen Standard. Ist Österreich also ein Muster für die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte, oder Muss manchmal genauer hingesehen werden?
This and many othe questions where the content of live discussion with Gunther Trubswasser on 14. Dezember 2013
the Moderation was Ike OKafor.

Austria in comparism to many other Nation has a high level of social and justice standards , does it then mean Austria is a symbol for Humanrights?

Discuss with us on 14.Dezember

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