«I found a guy, playing the keyoard with his fists and firing clusters of tones. It had the energy of Punk & Rave.You could see people just going completely insane on the streets. And I thought ‘Wow, this is really cool!'»(Joost Heijthuijsen, Cairo Liberation Front)
«Crazy places – its not even on the map – there is no administration, there is no police, there is nothing. The people just built their houses in the middle of the desert. In those neighborhoods I saw something incredible.» (Hind Meddeb, director of «Electro Chaabi»)
Mahraganat = Autotune Wahnsinn aus ägyptischen Satellitenstädten.
Schon wieder so ein «Sound of the Revolution»? Mitnichten.
Wie die Hochzeitsmusik der Unterschicht ihren Weg in die Nachtclubs der Oberschicht fand.