Senegambia Music presentation. Part 2 of 3

  • Senegambia: Mischa and Julia, Part 2

On their way through Senegal and Gambia, Julia Bruch (Radio Afrika TV) and Mischa G. Hendel talked to Afro-, World- and Reggae-artists and music producers. Today they present the second edition of their talks and musical takeaways of the Senegambia region. Musics by Aljo Banor_Z, Carlou D, Bocs Amandla, and more. Also in the ORANGE studios: Kerstin Lahr, who is actually writing a master thesis about the heritage of slavery in Gambia.
Part 1 was broadcast on March 19th, part 3 will follow on 21st of May.

Languages: English and French

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