Poetry Cafe 20: film music and poetic texts III

Poetry Cafe
  • poetry_cafe_2015_07_09
52:00 Min.
Poetry Cafe 188: Macbeth (Verdi)
52:04 Min.
Poetry Cafe 187: The Lark and the Nightingale
51:57 Min.
Poetry Cafe 186: 'The Fairy Queen'
52:02 Min.
Poetry Cafe 185: 'Pygmalion'
52:00 Min.
Poetry Cafe 184: Joan Baez
52:00 Min.
Poetry Cafe 183: Snow
52:02 Min.
Poetry Cafe 182: 'A Ceremony of Carols' by Benjamin Britten
52:00 Min.
Poetry Cafe 181: 'Twelfth Night' or 'Was Ihr Wollt'
52:00 Min.
Poetry Cafe 180: 'Now and Then'
52:00 Min.
Poetry Cafe 179: Love, Marriage, Weddings

The third of three programmes on film music and poetic texts: Poetic Literature and Film.

1. March from The River Kwai and Colonel Bogey by Malcom Arnold from the film Bridge over the River Kwai (1957)
2. Overture to the film Lawrence of Arabia by Maurice Jarre (1962)
3. To Salim Ahmed: Poem by T.E. Lawrence
4. Extract from the novel The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
5. Music from the score of the film The English Patient by Gabriel Yared (1996)
6. Extract from the screenplay for the film The English Patient
7. Aria from Bach’s Goldberg Variations
8. Extract from The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley (1953)
9. Theme from The Go-Between by Michel Legrand (1971)
10. Extract from The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley (1953)
11. Extract from A Room with a View by E.M. Forster (1908)
12. O mio babbino caro by Puccini (From the opera Gianni Schicchi), used in the film score of A Room with a View (1984)
13. A Wild and Distant Shore from the score of the film The Piano by Michael Nyman (1993)
14. Extract from the novel by Jane Campion and Kate Pullinger, based on the film The Piano
15. Extract from the novel by Jane Campion and Kate Pullinger, based on the film The Piano
16. Dreams of a Journey from the score of the film The Piano by Michael Nyman (1993)

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