Am 21. Dezember ist der 1. Todestag von Udo Jürgens und
es wäre der 75. Geburtstag von Francis Vincents Zappa gewesen.
Joe´s XMassage: Mr. Clean 1963 (Vinyl 75 / 1985)
Zappa Mothers: Roxy by Proxy — Dec. 9. and 10. 1973 — 1. Caved in the Rock, 2. Inca Roads (1999 / 2014)
Feeding the Monkies at ma Maison — Secular Humanism — on CD 2011 / on Vinyl Dez. 2015 /official release No. 90
Buffalo — Live at the Memorial Auditorium on 25. October 2018 in Buffalo,N.Y. — The Real World — Stick it out —
Register and Vote: Democracy doesn´t work unless you participate — official release
Zappa/Wazoo: Big Swifty — 1972 — official realease no.82 — 2007
und Weihnachtsbonus —
Merry Christmas — and a Happy Progressive Year