Medicine: The most recent information on: How to quit smoking, How to have a healthy diet, and How to lose weight

News from the World of Medicine
  • 2016 01 Medicine, In clear words, the most recent information on How to quit smoking, How to have a healthy diet, and How to lose weight
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This programme consists of three repeats. Your feedback was: In clear words, present the most recent information on
•    How to quit smoking
•    How to have a healthy diet
•    And, How to lose weight
That’s a lot to remember. Therefore, the complete text is available here on the archive.

Cigarettes shorten your life on average by 10 years and the 10 years before that are usually terrible. Doctors recommend 12 tips to quit smoking. The first tip alone, use of nicotine replacement therapy, doubles your chances of giving up. And today, you can combine nicotine patches with sprays. All 12 tips taken together will increase your chances of stopping smoking by a factor of four.

A consistently healthy diet lowers the risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and cancer, enhances quality of life and extends life by several years. A healthy daily diet mainly consists of vegetables, and pulses, fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds and non-sweetened milk products. It also includes some bread, rice, bulgur, potatoes or noodles, and eggs, poultry, or fish. Small amounts of red meat and sweets should be limited to twice a week. This healthy diet includes much more vegetables, more fat (especially as healthy oils, fatty fish and nuts) and much less sugar and sweets than one imagines. And, a healthy diet contains few or no industrially manufactured products.

Losing 15 kilos permanently: First, go to your doctor. Then, diet, but only for a few weeks. Afterwards, eat healthily and slightly less than before. Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. No sweet drinks, no matter how they had been sweetened. Go to behavioural therapy. Control how much you eat now, in-between and at the next meal. Know reward psychology and block it. Two types of physical activity. Do not stop, stick with it every week.


2016 01 Medicine, In clear words, the most recent information on How to quit smoking, How to have a healthy diet, and How to lose weight, PDF, 394.7 kB Скачати

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