Shakespeare and Music
(anticipating the Innsbruck Hofburg Promenade Concert, Sat July 30)
Texts read and Music played
1. Overture to ‚Hamlet‘ (Shostakovich)
2. ‚To be, or not to be‘ (read by Michael Sheen, with Music by Walton)
3. ‚To be, or not to be‘ (Shostakovich)
4. Prelude to ‚Macbetto‘ (Verdi)
5. ‚Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow‘ (‚Macbeth‘, read by Stephen Dillane)
6. ‚Ella e morta!‘ ‚La vita…que importa?‘ (‚Macbetto‘, Verdi)
7. ‚This island’s mine‘ (Caliban, from ‚The Tempest‘)
8. ‚Full fathom five‘ (Ariel, from ‚The Tempest‘) and Music
9. ‚Where the bee sucks‘ (Ariel), with Music by Robert Johnson
10. The Prologue, from ‚Romeo and Juliet‘
11. Introduction to ‚Romeo and Juliet‘ (ballet Music, Prokofiev)
12. ‚Crush‘ (from soundtrack of the film ‚William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet‘, dir. Baz Luhrmann)
13. ‚Grande Fete chez les Capulet‘ (Berlioz), Colonne Orchestra, under Gabriel Pierne, 1928
14. Prelude to Part 2 of ‚Romeo and Juliet‘ (ballet Music, Prokofiev)
15. ‚Where be these enemies?‘ (Prince Escalus, ‚Romeo and Juliet‘)
16. ‚Hold my hand…‘ (‚West Side Story‘, Bernstein)
17. ‚If we shadows…‘ (Puck, ‚A Midsummer Night’s Dream‘)
18. Overture to ‚A Midsummer Night’s Dream‘ (Mendelssohn)