Interview mit Schamanen: Mukanranko und Sanken Metsa

Latin Lounge Radio
  • Interview mit Maestro Murankanko und Sanken Metsa 2017-04-19_
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Srdan Maric (Shaman Name: Sanken Metsa)

Srdan Maric was born on 31.10.1985 in Bosnia. about 5 years ago the Plants „call“ him in his very first shamanic ceremony. He gave up his old live to become a student of Roger Bardales. Since then he spends many months every year in Peru, living and studying with the indiginous shipibo tribe to learn traditional Plant medicine from Grand Master Mukanranko.
Now Srdan lives in Vienna working with Plant medicine in different European countries.
Roger Bardales Romaina (Shaman Name: Mukanranko)

Roger Bardales Romaina was born on the 16th of April 1985, in Peru, Ucayali. He began to practice traditional Amazonian plant medicine when he was 8 years old. When he was 14. Roger was initiated under the tutelage of his grandfather. there he discovered the world of medicinal plants, their songs and the powers of the Shipibo – Conibo indigenous worldview. From this time onward he began the diet with the plants in order to learn the importance and power that Plant Medicine holds.
After fulfilling his dieta over a decade later Roger begin to cure the sick and heal the land. Today Roger has become a well known international Curandero specializing as a “Vegitalista” or plant healer.

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