Poetry Cafe 64: 50 Years on: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Poetry Cafe
  • sgt. pepper
50 Years on: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Playlist: Texts read & Music played:

  1. Opening track
  2. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
  3. ‚Tune in, turn on, drop out‘, Timothy Leary
  4. ‚Almost metaphysical urban poetry‘, Derek Jewell
  5. Getting Better
  6. Fixing a Hole
  7. She’s Leaving Home
  8. Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite
  9. Within You, Without You
  10. When I’m 64
  11. A Day in the Life
  12. ‚The mood of the Album …‘, Paul McCartney
  13. ‚It’s called the first concept Album, but …‘ John Lennon
  14. ‚A decisive moment in … western civilization‘, Kenneth Tynan
  15. ‚Reprise‘

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