VENUSfrequency, MOST+jazz edition part ONE

  • VENUSfrequency, MOST+jazz edition part ONE
59:59 min
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 07 MAR 2025 | Sutra 4.31 | Alan Watts
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 28 FEB 2025 | Sutra 4.30 | Shivaratri
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 21 FEB 2025 | Sutra 4.29 | Dharma Meghah Samadhih
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 14 FEB 2025 | Sutra 4.28 | Valentines LOVE | HEART SUTRA
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 07 FEB 2025 | Sutra 4.27 | breathwork
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 31 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.26 | Kaivaliya | bamboo & oak
59:21 min
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition JAN 24 2025 | Sutra 4.25 | the story of the salt doll
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 17 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.24 | mirror of the mind
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 10 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.23 | new year | Mystery
1 uren 00 sec
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 20 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.22 | morning pages | renewal

Why a MOST+jazz edtion?

Well, its this photostorytelling installation and art project I am curating for MOST+jazz in my hometown of Fehring, Styria that will be underlined by carefully curated world music selections from previous VENUSfrequency radio shows (mostly the popculture late night and morning drive editions from years past of my involvement with RadioFreeMinturn in the VailValley, Colorado and KGNU Denver, Boulder, both beautiful community radio stations just like RadioOrange, my beloved Vienna, Austria afilition… )

So “JA”, this most+JAZZ art/project/installation/ phototelling / projection and musical curation is happening this Friday, September 8th, 2017 in a Schanigarten, outdoor setting at one of my all-time growing-up favorites, the Stadtkeller while the event actually already started Tuesday and will go till Sunday…

This is the 3 hours of my carefully curated selection of world contemporary tunes, all played once already during a VENUSfrequency radioshow sometime during the past “sage und schreibe” 19 years of VENUSfrequency’s onAIR time 😉

And these carefully curated world contemporary tunes will underline the 3 hours of photoprojection, a photostorytelling and souvenir “mitbringsel” to you, them us and myself from here, there and everywhere.

So kick back and enjoy, these 3 hours and maybe follow VENUSfrequency on facebook and instagram for some impressions of that photostorytelling. I will always weave in sneak peaks, as VENUSfrequency in general has become a very yogic platform these days, but the pop|culture twist still leaves quite some room and space and freedom to be exactly that, pop|culture…. Art, music, yoga, mindfulness, & good energies…

IN true venusFREQUENCY style, these 3 hours will weave in all kinds of MOST+jazz, and Fehring, Styria, and Styrian Pumpkin Seed oil stories, wisdoms and reads. Wouldn’t be VENUSfrequency without that.

Stay kicked back, sharpen your ears and senses, enjoy, and envision yourself in this pretty setting, that still very undiscovered last frontier of Styria, the very south/eastern part, where witches roamed, and beautiful corn and pumpkin fields are sprinkled over with käferbohnen plants and sunflowers, fruits of all kinds, eaten fresh off the trees, bushes and vines or handmade into compotts and marmelades and whatever is left, distilled officially or in bootleg version into that most of times clear version of a fruit brandy, our oh so dangerous spirit, SCHNAPS, tough also quite spiritual if I may say, as by legend and lore, Schnaps has so many healing properties too, just ask around, it will heal pretty much everything… (our Fehring major, the Bürgermeister and pharmacist of town will support that medical statement, I believe even makes his own version too) and then, we could also consider this part of Styria the Hill country of Austria, where hills are gifting us red and white grapes for that delicious wine of the region.

No, announcement of the artist, you can find that via RadioOrange and VENUSfrequency’s facebook links to the archived show version. I will also put a playlist of exactly these same songs on my personal VENUSfrequency spotify account, follow, like, comment, so I know you are there. VENUSfrequnecy is for you, my little SEVA project and lovechild to keep community radio and unscensored un-industrially packaged radio and media outlets alive, yes, this is all volunteer hours, one should freely invest some time in community projects one believes in. yes, also you can make your voice heard. This is real radio, this is real life, this is pure me, pure you, right now, enjoying this moment together. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your support. Thinking of you and imagining you listening in right now, puts a smile on my face, I hope I put one on yours too.

Biggest compliment, biggest accomplishment that would be.

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