Military Maltreatment of Nigerian Citizens as Slaves or Animals

Radio ICAP
  • ORANGE 94.0 Logging 2017-09-30 17:00
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Military Maltreatment of Nigerian Citizens as Slaves or Animals

Where do we come from and how far did we come? All that we use to do is complaining and blaming others to be unjust against us.

At the end of the Obama administration every normal person was scandalized and the president of the USA was provoked in order to commit federal mistakes. The police killed especially black people like rabbits to demonstratively bring out the other face of power. These were fascistic doings to impact the outcome of the election. In addition to other internal crisis President Donald Trump was the result.

Many years of self-government in Africa have passed and one cannot understand what is still going on there in relation to the national states.

In DRC (Congo) the governmental soldiers are killing people in Khasai (Beni massacre).

Nigeria, one of the large and important nations in Africa, a country which is rich in its diversity and culture expresses what challenge it is to implement an African democracy. What is going on there?
Two weeks ago, the Nigerian Director of Defence Information, Major General John Enenche released a statement that from now on all indigenous people of Biafra are seen as a terrorist group. This week, the military invaded in south-east Nigeria and maltreated citizens there with horsewhips, forcing them to drink contaminated flood water.

Are we going back to the 60ies?


We will discuss in the studio with:

Ing. Moyen Gilbert
Mag.a Simone Prenner
Cyril Ozoekwe
Moderation: Dr. Di-Tutu Bukasa


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