Meet Craftistas! / Femicide in Latin America

Globale Dialoge – Women on Air
  • Alessa
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Meet Craftistas!

Karin Gruber is a social worker, feminist and energy counseling living in Vienna, she is one of the founders of Craftistas, they are a group of feminist women supporting each other and helping other women who may need help, they make trainings and work shops for the women and girls mostly handwork staff.

Femicide in Latin America

The concept of femicide it is understood as the murder of women or girls because they are females. Femicide is the consequence of a system of violence against women and it is a global problem, present in all cultures. In Latin America the characteristic of violence against women is impunity. Marcela Lgarde took the concept of femicide in the 90ties and translated it into “feminicidio” in Spanish in order to combat impunity and femicide in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. More information on femicides:

Produced by Hamdi Abdullahi and Alessandra Romanelli

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