Southern California, that land of constant sunshine, soft sandy beaches, surfing and swimsuits, condensed into an aural form. ENDLESS SUMMER is a laidback musical trip to a harmonious vacation that never ends.
The California lifestyle is more than just surfing, cars and girls, although they play a big role.
It´s all about the sun, fun fun fun and youth when in the sky, and relationships, longing, growing up and introspection, when it comes down. Allegorically, sunrise invariably gives way to sunset, and the shades and storms that accompany it provide a contrast that we all can feel.
ENDLESS SUMMER takes Freirad´s listeners to a place geographically far from Innsbruck but near to all who have the warmth of the sun in their hearts.
The playlist from Endless Summer´s first ever show on March 27th:
Whistle In – Beach Boys
Hushabye – Beach Boys
Please Let Me Wonder – Beach Boys
Busy Doing Nothing – Beach Boys
Friends – Beach Boys
Little Bird – Beach Boys
Hang Onto Your Ego – Frank Black
ID Sean O´Hagan
Anna Lee the Healer – The High Llamas
Windchimes / Wonderful – Baby Lemonade
Hold on Dear Brother – Beach Boys
Endless Harmony – Free Design
Solar System – Beach Boys
Long Promised Road – Beach Boys
Kevin Aper ID
Surf City – Ramones
Water Builds Up – Brian Wilson (never officially released, from Sweet Insanity album)
Cool, Cool Water – Beach Boys
Lonely Sea – Beach Boys
Thanks to everyone that listened! The next Endless Summer radio show on Freirad is April 24th, 2018 at 22:00 CET.
Love it! If I didn’t know any better I’d think I was in sunny SoCal.
Keep it coming! Cheers.
Thanks Rubble! Keep tuning in!