The radio-show portrays the International Festival « Responding to Ko Murobushi- 1001 nights of the Outside Vol.4 », organized by Kimiko Watanabe and the Ko Murobushi Archive in Tokyo, Shinjuku. Invited are 11 dancers from all over the world to research in the « Ko Murobushi Archiv » for two weeks an have a performance as an « experiment » in the end of their stay, that responds to the dancer Ko Murobushi who died in 2015 in Mexico. Included in the festivals are Talk sessions with philosophers, dancecritics, writers, poets, choreographers,muscians and film screenings.
Kimiko Watanabe introduces the Archiv and the Festival and afterwards Kevin Frank, Sarjo Sankareh , and Anais Michelin are reflecting about Ko Murobushi and their experience in Japan.