And you are listening to a very naturalalistic VENUS FREQUENCY
living and sharing
apop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & EnergyWORKERlifestyle,
… in support of a more mindful and healthier world
and this is anne|marie
a naturalist of the yogic lineage
with a sprinkle of radiomaking, playlist arranging, story telling and reading in my expression…
spending this hour together with you live on these locally grown Vienna but worldwide available radiowaves, makes me quote Helen Keller… THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN LIFE CANNOT BE SEEN or TOUCHED, but can be felt by the heart…
and with exactly that beautiful feeling in my heart, lets get this show really started…
SPRINGTIME topics of today have me contemplate
- SPRINGTIME YOGAPOSES aka ASANAS for our practice toghether, taking a close look at LOTUS POSE
- THE TREE OF LIFE, an ultimate representation of willpower
- Seeds that we plant and ,….growth in general
- And will have me read out of the book, ZEN and the ART OF FALLING IN LOVE by Brenda Shoshanna
and underlining – all that yogic practice, LOVE and enjoyable hangout time together –
a carfully curated playlists of worldcontemporary tunes by all these shining lights.….
#shpongle @shponglemusic
#ott @ottmusic
#yaelnaim and going into shivasana with
Identical playlists found on #SPOTiFY, just follow and LIKE… VENUSFREQUENCY….
Lovely to meet,
let me know you are there, you enjoy,
and that you also do care.
Man is wise and constantly in quest of more wisdom; but the ultimate wisdom, which deals with beginnings, remains locked in a seed.
Harold «Hal» Glen Borland (May 14, 1900 – February 22, 1978) was a well-known American author, journalist and naturalist. In addition to writing many non-fiction and fiction books about the outdoors, he was a staff writer and editorialist for The New York Times.