DSGVO startet, Facebook gibt sich non compliant, Österreich hat versucht, ‘a race to the bottom’ zu starten
Anhörung Max Schrems
Internet Filters
Domain Fronting
### DSGVO ###
https://www.ft.com/content/86d1ce50-3799-11e8-8eee-e06bde01c544?desktop=true&segmentId=d8d3e364-5197-20eb-17cf-2437841d178a#myft:notification:instant-email:content (Max Schrems zum CambridgeAnalytica Skandal)
### ePrivacy ###
### Überwachungspaket ###
- https://www.ihc.camp/ (2 — 5 AGOSTO 2018 — PADOVA, IT)
- Camp++: https://ticket.hsbp.org/camppp7e2: 23-26.08.2018
- BalCCon (14|15|16 September 2018, Novi Sad Fair — Congress Centre, Hajduk Veljkova 11, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Europe, Earth, Milky Way)
- Hack around the Clock im Mark (4. August)
Musik der Sendung:
- Kurt Razelli Doublefeature: «Wir kriegen Dich!» + «Ganja Song»
- Consensus — Method to the Madness