Do medicines cause dementia? Specifically, do PPIs cause dementia? PPIs generally belong to the safest medicines in the world. PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) are taken by millions every day against heartburn, reflux disease, and stomach acid. PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) include tablets such as omeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, etc.
Two years ago, a study was published and it showed a correlation between taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and the risk of dementia. Several patients and several doctors found this correlation shocking. The reports, however, mentioned only one medical study. Yet, this study had two flaws and was an observational study. An observational study can show a correlation, but not cause and effect. The correct thing to do after such an observational study is to carry out another study, and that was done.
In 2017, three new studies failed to verify any relationship between proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use and risk of dementia. In the three new studies, the researchers controlled extensively for potentially confounding variables. Dear listeners, you can take your PPI (your proton pump inhibitor) and not worry about an increased risk of dementia.
However, you should be aware of another point: Once a PPI (a proton pump inhibitor) is prescribed, doctors repeatedly and automatically refill prescriptions, without re-examining whether the original indication for use still exists. In other words, there is a good chance that you are taking a PPI but do not need it anymore. Please reassess whether the long-term use of any tablet, including PPIs, really is necessary.