#tuneIN FRIDAY september 28
#7am #Vienna time
Forgivness, flawfully-me, Samadhi and Pantanjali’s Sutra’s are the topic of today.
musically underlined by carefully curated world contemporary tunes by these artists whose company is oh so present, by simply the energy that they send out into the world by putting their tunes onto paper via musical notes, to instruments, onto records and digitial storage to now be part of our little hang out time together, — magical that is, all these ways we can cherish together and globe spanningly connect ….
#sahale @satorimusica
@fedeaubele @melodygardotofficial
@borneland @linegottsche
@sergeirachmaninoff #saintpetersburgchamberchoir
#venusfrequency #livingandsharing a #popculture way of the #yoga #meditation and #energyworker #lifestyle #insupportofamoremindfulworld #yogaeverydamnday #podcast #lifeofayogi #yogisofinstagram #radio #communityradio #radioorangewien #carefullycurated #foregiveness #samadhi #pantanjali #sutras #withlove #playlist