tanztalk with Jung In Lee

  • 20181104 tanztalk with Jung In Lee
45:50 dk.
Schiff Ahoi mit Luftakrobatik und Varietétheater.
1 saat 06:20 dk.
Schwanger- und Mutterschaft im Tanz.
58:43 dk.
Tanz ist Quelle, schafft Weitsicht.
1 saat 05:00 dk.
Wie wir leben wollen.
46:52 dk.
Du, Choreograf:in
1 saat 47:52 dk.
Kopfunter und tanzend voran.
46:38 dk.
Auf den Körper hören.
51:01 dk.
Tanzen verleiht (giftige) Flügel.
49:56 dk.
Tanz ist. Sehnsucht. Freiheit.
50:28 dk.
Endlich: Ganzheitliches Gesundheits-Konzept für Österreichs Tänzer:innen.

Jung In Lee was born in Seoul/South Korea in 1983, studied from Kyung Hee University (B.A) and its graduate school (M.A.). She moved to Berlin and worked with choreographers such as Meredith Nadler, Javier Sanchez. After conducting performance ‘Average Speed of Answer’, a collaborative project in East Europe, she worked mainly in East Europe as a solo dancer and as well as a collaborator with local artists in Bulgaria such as Derida Dance and Atom Theater. Selected for the international residence by Arts Council Korea, she conducted workshop, showcase and movement researches in Sofia and Tel Aviv. She danced with Korea National Contemporary Dance Company and teach Contemporary Dance at Korea National Sports University in Korea. To make connection between Korea and abroad, she works as executive committee of The Modern Dance Promotion of Korea. In 2015, she moved to Linz, Austria and work based on European Countries again to focus her own creation. In present, she has performance tour in Europe and Asia supported by Arts Council Korea, and Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture.




Musik: Queen/Greatest Hits II: I want to Be Free, 2001; Habanot Nechama/Habanot Nechama: So far, 2009; Hitchhiker/S.M. STATION SEASON 1: ‘$10’, 2016; Mrs. Miller/Wild, Cool & Swinging: Strangers in The Night, 1999; Dean (feat. Syd.): Love, 2017; Mc Hammer/Please Hammer: U Can’t Touch This, 1990; L’indécis/Playtime: Soulful, 2018; Giulia y Los Tellarini/Eusebio: Buenos Aires, 2008; Deluxe/Stachelight: Shoes, 2016;



A broadcast about Contemporary Dance.
Gerlinde Roidinger talks to artists and cultural practitioners about dance, theatre and performance, investigates movement impulses and explores dance in theatrical, public and rural spaces. Dance in Conversation. An invitation to an eventful journey of discovery.

Monthly, 1st Sunday: 19:07-21:00
Rebroadcast: Monthly, 3rd Monday – 10:07-12:00


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