
  • Tarlabaşı

This report was produced during a media encounter of the Council of Europe which took place from 28th November 2010 – 3rd December 2010 in Istanbul.



Taksim, a lively and booming part of Istanbul with shops, bars and restaurants, is one of the centers of the modern Istanbul. Right beside this main center of Istanbul, the district of Tarlabasi is situated – divided from Taksim through a street and seems to be the other side of the coin of Istanbul. The district is affected from the migrant movements which are coming to the city of Istanbul: In former times home of the non muslim minorities (Greeks and Armenians)with their handcraft shops, since the 1990 destination of Kurdish migrants from Eastern Turkey. Moreover Tarlabasi with its low rents is home of marginalized groups (transsexuals) and illegal migrants from the Asia and Africa. The district government of Beyoglu is starting a gentrification process which includes the building of new houses, shopping centers and modern infrastructure and the end of the now existing district.

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