Enjoy one hour of rock’n’roll fun with our beloved DJ, bass player, singer and punkrock enfant terrible:
Get to know more about him and his punkrock kindergarten, the band Jännerwein (where Crääsh plays the bass and sings along) and all those things you always wanted to ask him personally, but were too drunk to ask… This program was pre-produced by Seldestructocrääsh and Mikki Sixx at Crääshs homestudio in June 2010.
It is hosted in German! Enjoy yr holidays, fiends and friends!
![TURBO RADIO](http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o268/sicksiguesix/TURBO-RADIO/TRCrsh009kleen.jpg)
![TURBO RADIO](http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o268/sicksiguesix/TURBO-RADIO/TRCrsh002kleen.jpg)