we are here > How much do we really know about refugees life>>with Elisabeth Vogl & Erika Mayer Austria

We are here – Wir sind da – نحن هنا. Die Sendung von Geflüchteten in Salzburg
  • we are here > How much do we really know about refugees life>>with Elisabeth Vogl & Erika Mayer Austria
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 welcome to a new episode of „We Are Here” 

got so good news and some bad news as some Iraqi man in some europin country killed his wife and himselfleaving his children with no family 

Today we have two guests  

Mrs Elezabith Vogel  a manger in vier mal vier for advertising on social media  

 Erika Mayer  a professional photographer  

  we will discuss togother how can photo and social media influence the people and how much photographing could help refugees as a profession            

 You are listening to Tareq Nouman in „we are here” on radio fabrik


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