Portrait des Komponisten – Johannes Berauer

  • SEKJ031019 - Konse Jazz - Johannes Berauer - Portrait
1 hrs 02:11 min
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Jazz Piano Trio Vol. 1

Michael Erian und Johannes Berauer im Gespräch über die neue CD “Hourglass” und über Kammermusik im Jazz.

Johannes Berauer – a former student of Jazz legend Bob Brookmeyer – is one of the most productive and diverse young composers of Austria. He effortlessly navigates around the limitations of styles such as classical avant-garde, jazz and world music.

His project “The Vienna Chamber Diaries” is a unique synthesis of classical chamber music and jazz and features jazz masters like Gwilym Simcock, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Omer Klein and Klaus Gesing alongside an ensemble of outstanding classical players. Gwilym is also part of his Jazzquintet “Hourglass” with Mike Walker, Britten Sinfonia concert master Thomas Gould, Martin Berauer and Bernhard Schimpelsberger.

Amongst his prizes are the international Gustav Mahler Prize, Scrivere in Jazz, a Fulbright Scholarship and recently the Austrian State Scholarship for composition.

Berauer studied at the New England Conservatory and Berklee College in Boston, and the A. Bruckner University of Linz. His teachers were inter alia Bob Brookmeyer, Lee Hyla, Christoph Cech and Gunter Waldek.

Johannes Berauer teaches at Music University Graz, holds the position for Jazz Composition at the conservatory of Klagenfurt and taught at the Music University Vienna.


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