In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer
……you are listening to VENUSfrequency, this is annemarie here in the studio, live from Vienna…
Its been over two years now that I have made the big move back to the old world. Here I am again, in my oh so beloved, longed for and so very greatly fantasized about…. Austria, my original homeland.
Giving my best rooting effort, on this other side of the world, where clocks do tick different, finding my way, and yes, I have struggled beautifully in this process of change!
…. But tackling this change topic some other time… today… its actually my beloved summer solstice show. An annual june staple by now.
living and sharing
a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & REIKIenergy lifestyle,
… in support of a more mindful and healthier world
Today is all about sun, solstice, midsommernacht, bright summer light, warm energies and hot temperatures, my favorite time of the year! So happy you have arrived….
Flipping through the pages of John Lusts “The Herb Book” again, my favorite section #legendandlore will bring Thyme and the LotusFlower a perfect match for our summer vibes, and CHAKRAwise, the solarplexus also known as Manipura chakra has our attention today and so have sun salutations, sun gods and the summer sun solstice.
Kick back, be present, lets cherish this very summery NOW moment together, stick around for a while, close your eyes & feel the summer breeze, … thanks for tuning in. …you are like a beautiful sunrise to me…
Todays musical contributions by…
#michelemclaughlin #nickodemus @mcyogi @lbajofondo @bobmarley &thewailers #gurusolar @serge.gainsbourg & Jane Birkin #raybarretto @bebelgilberto #djcam #ellafitzgerald @odesza #sirisadhanakaur
this constitutes my summersolstice yoga playlist, found on Spotify under venusfrequency and in date order. Like, follow, comment, engage… its really nice to know you are there.