Bakšiš, music and poetry – all the aspects of our existence

Claim the Waves – Feministische Radiotage
  • Claim The Waves 2020 Claim The Stage
40 сек.
CTW announcement jingle
1 год. 30:00 хв.
Feminist Voices im Radio ZuSa: queer-feministische Stimmen aus der polnischen alternativen Musikszene
57:00 хв.
Feminismus in deutschem Rap
1 год. 17 сек.
Live vom Brunch der feministischen Radiotage
59:59 хв.
Rückblick: das waren die feministischen Radiotage 2021
57:00 хв.
Neue Klänge nicht nur im Jazz
1 год. 06 сек.
Ein Leben voller Feminismus, politischen Aktionen und Radioarbeit – Zoraida Nieto
27:00 хв.
Gittiradio: Vom Löten und Widerstand messen - MZ* Baltazars Laboratory
57:00 хв.
Doctore Xyramat
1 год. 17 сек.
Black W(e)aves

Music and the stories behind it, this show will be featuring a variety of wonderful musicians, singers and producers. Poetry written during a workshop discussing ’how we feel in this country‘, this is ‚wider den gleichsprech‘, a project of Vlatka Frketić.
From „ON A QUEST“, recorded in Abudja/Nigeria in a studio where kids from the street can learn how to produce their music to Empress piru‘s ‚schweiz halt‘s maul’ – shout out to the right wing not only but also in Switzerland. From Mimi Mercedez, Serbias‘s feminist rap icon singing against judgement and demanding payment for women‘s work that include body and sexuality to Iva Olo who not only supports young people, most of them with migrant backgrounds, to create their own music but also uses her talent in music for a song about picking yourself up from the floor and celebrating. These and many more we will present to you.
You will hear Gorji Marzban‘s poem about ’Coming and leaving‘ as well as a short part of a performance by Danilo Jovanović. Just for this show Iva Marković will read again her poem ‚Zusammen oder getrennt‘.
Get inspired by Sonita Alizadeh‘s ’my aunt rapps better in her kitchen than you‘ and
claim the waves – claim the stage

Radio cricket: Iva Sultanija, Louis Helga

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