Bridging the Gaps: Music between Composing and Improvisation, between Text and Sound

Radio Schallfeld
  • Radio Schallfeld vol.4b
#impulsradio-special #1 - Young Performers
1 sati 00 s
Two anniversaries and a retrospective: Furrer 70 / Nono 100
1 sati 00 s
Text im Klang - Neukompositionen als Hommage an Elfriede Jelinek
1 sati 00 s
Hybrid Bodies - Alessandro Perini
1 sati 00 s
Tierisch Laut!
57:53 min
Agata Zubel - Aphorisms
1 sati 00 s
What if children would listen to classical contemporary music and tell what they think about it?
58:52 min
All freedom to the performers – 100 years of women composing new music
1 sati 00 s
Focus on Pierre Jodlowski
1 sati 00 s
Recording Reel Revisited

As we know: music can be many things, and contemporary music sometimes is even more versatile. In this episode of Radio Schallfeld, we take a look beyond the pond and talk about music across artistic genres and forms – music bridging composition and improvisation, and music bridging text, speech and sound. A unique person to embody the crossroads of improvising and composing is Elisabeth Harnik, pianist and composer from Styria, who had a conversation with Maggie about her metier and shares her ideas. Then, Lorenzo presents “text im klang”, a project run in cooperation of Schallfeld and impuls, that challenges young composers to find new connections between literary texts and chamber music. As a sneak preview for the new “text im Klang” this September, we take a look back to past editions and talk to some participants.
