POP ´till you DROP -> DJ-Kicks by ANNIE

  • POP ´till you DROP -> DJ-Kicks by ANNIE
4 Std. 25:32 Min.
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Ein Interview mit dem „Popstar“ Annie über ihre „Jumping-Disco-Sounds“ und ihrem DJ Kicks Album.

Praise be for ultra hip Norwegian popster Anne Lilia Berge-Strand, although you might know her better as Annie. Blonde, sexy and possessed of a devilishly cute Scandinavian demeanour, she’s as pop as Kylie and co, make no mistake. However, whereas it’s doubtful you’d want to spend a night back at Rachel Stevens‘ delightfully decorated pad rifling through her record collection, the same cannot be said of Annie. Although most blokes like to regard the fairer sex as not possessing the requisite amount of passion or knowledge to analyse the latest Daft Punk opus, Annie is equally adept at discussing the merits of Arthur Russell, as she is enthusing about a pair of Jimmy Choo’s. It’s this pretension-free ethos that has enabled Annie to compile her first, highly prized, DJ Kicks mix. Much like her compelling debut album ‚Anniemal‘, her mix is a dynamic and exuberant melding of literate electronic pop and raunchy electro disco. It’s charm lies not in any seamless (yawn) mixing or that it takes you on an epic musical journey (likewise), because both of these characteristics are notably absent. Rather, Annie makes a virtue of her lo-fi deck prowess. The emphasis is on the music: her mix and her reputation lives and dies by the quality of the tunes contained therein. To this end, she’s graduated with first class honours.
– pressetext zu annie´s djkicks (released at !K7)

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