29/11/2020 – B(A)D News #40

Anarchistisches Radio
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In dieser Sendung hört ihr eine gekürzte Version der November Ausgabe von Bad News. Die ganze Folge könnt ihr auf a-radio-network.org finden.

Hier der Überblick über die Sendung:

This month, we will listen to reports from the state-dominated regions of Greece, Germany, Slovenia, England, Belarus, Malaysia and Chile and the resistances of anarchist comrades and communities in those territories.

1) Interview with a anarchist from Belarus on development of protests, going on repressions against anarchist movement and the possibility to support a belarusian struggle against authoritarian regime.

2) Črna Luknja’s short newsflash from Slovenia. First, a sketch of the general situation regarding corona-crisis and the revolts against authoritarian measures. Later, updates on recent stages of municipality’s growing repression against Autonomous factory Rog, the squat in the center of Ljubljana existing since 2006.

3) So-called Greece; November in lockdown: Repression, migrants situation and anarchist resistance.

4) Anarchist assembly of Valparaíso: “One year after the beggining of the revolt, the revolt continues!”

5) FQZ A: Report on the demo in solidarity with the revolt in $hile which was organized at the 18.10.2020 the anniversary of the revolt in Leipzig (Germoney).

6) Report about the demo in solidarity with the accused anarchists at the 4th of November
with a short compliance about the sentences at the 5th.

7) Dissident island newsflash from so called england

8) Malaysia: interview with Queer Cempaka Collective from Kuala Lumpur
about their work and the situation over there

Szólj hozzá!