VENUSfrequency yogic edition 28 MAY 2021 | sutra 1.39 | the Heros HandBOOK

  • VENUSfrequency yogic edition 28 MAY 2021 | sutra 1.39 | the Heros HandBOOK
1 hrs 00 sec
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Patanjali’s Sutra 1.39 today, to continue diligently with our sutra study.

brew yourself a nice cup of organic fair trade beautiful green or delicious herbal tea, And now, let yourself be reminded of the power of your radiance. It comes from purity and not from adding more to what you are. It comes when you are true and vulnerable, and when you let go of the things you want to hide. As then, radiance becomes manifest in your head and heart. To live in bliss and radiance is our human nature, only the limitations of the man-made world told you otherwise.

And now, lets fully immerse ourselfes in an empowering and nourishing soundscape of this episodes handselected #carefullycurate

Your energy, your awareness your focus, your life-force, these are all expressions of one and the same thing.

It is a marker for the expression of your consciousness in this reality. It indicates what you do and create with your energy. So where do you invest your energy?

This is one of the most vital questions you can ask yourself.

… out of the book THE HERO’s HANDBOOK, by my dear friend Camilla Mohle v.H. And her partner Sascha Wagener as well as Joana Gumpert….

so where do you invest your energy?

Mostly, energy in our societies us spent unconsciously, states that very THE HERO’s Handbook. WE react to outside stimuli, or our won programmed behavior. And their reactions also manifest and form your reality. But not in a new or willful way – you just create what you already see or fear.

So, truly begin to observe yourself in every moment, and see how often you radiate out your won elevated frequency, and how often you are tossed around instead, by the energies that you dont really want.

Only your radiance can manifest your higher visions. Only out of LOVE, JOY, curiosity or compassion can you create and attract what is really good for you. And this positively charged radiance comes with practice.

my loves, lets continue to practice together and between the ones who comment on facebook or instagram via VENUSfrequency on this show and reference THE HEROS handbook, I have one copy of the book to give away…

so, win yourself a copy of that practical guide into the next extraordinary chapter of your life and the NEW EARTH!

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