Amazing GODDESSES from around the world

Claim the Waves – Feministische Radiotage
  • Venusfrequency
40 s
CTW announcement jingle
1 sati 30:00 min
Feminist Voices im Radio ZuSa: queer-feministische Stimmen aus der polnischen alternativen Musikszene
57:00 min
Feminismus in deutschem Rap
1 sati 17 s
Live vom Brunch der feministischen Radiotage
59:59 min
Rückblick: das waren die feministischen Radiotage 2021
57:00 min
Neue Klänge nicht nur im Jazz
1 sati 06 s
Ein Leben voller Feminismus, politischen Aktionen und Radioarbeit – Zoraida Nieto
27:00 min
Gittiradio: Vom Löten und Widerstand messen - MZ* Baltazars Laboratory
57:00 min
Doctore Xyramat
1 sati 17 s
Black W(e)aves

VENUSfrequency “claim the waves edition”

VENUS the powerful second planet from the sun, named after the Roman GODDESS of love and beauty. Called “shukra” in Sanskrit and Vedanta terms, which means lucid, bright, clear…

Amazing GODDESSES from around the world: empowered women and female powers as venerated in ancient times, portrayed by goddesses from around the world.

* a carefully curated playlist by annemarie of VENUSfrequency of all FEMALE ARTISTS
* tidbits, stories and reads about amazing goddesses from around the world which give testament to the diverse range of human beliefs, history, societies and evolution.
* some of these goddesses are still venerated today, other figures have faded into written record as their civilizations fell or evolved.

VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop | culture way of
the Yoga, Meditation, holistic BodyWisdom & SoulArt-istry lifestyle
in support of a more mindful, co-creating and loving world.“

„broadcasting frequencies & supporting energy waves
that vibrate bright, lucid & clear,
that nourish the powerful FEMiNINe aspects
of all things creation.“

… and when saying the feminine,
not meaning gender,
but the feminine principle that is living
—or suppressed—
in both men and women.

The power to either destroy & suppress or to heal, love, co-create & nourish, lies in our own vision.
