VENUSfrequency yogic edition 03 DEC 2021 | sutra 2.4 | Bhakti Yoga

  • VENUSfrequency yogic edition 03 DEC 2021 | sutra 2.4 | Bhakti Yoga
1 Std. 00 Sek.
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What is the purpose of yoga? According to the sutras, the „goal“ of yoga is to discover, know and unite with our natural divine nature/essence. Why practice yoga? To remove the obstacles, blocks or coverings that cloud over and hide this true nature. These blocks (called kleshas in sanskrit) lead to tendencies, habits and thoughts that prevent us from knowing our true self causing us pain and suffering. Patanjali mentions 5 kleshas, but the first one basically gives rise to the other 4. This first klesha is called avidya. And with sutra 2.4 today, we get to take a look at whats meant with that yogic IGNORANCE, AVIDYA….. as I am about to retreat to reentry in Bhakti Yoga for the next 10 days, lets look at the history of Bhakti yoga, some beautiful wisdoms by my teachers radhnath swami and Raghunath Cappo with his so powerful 6 pillars of BhaktiYoga.


with LOVE and InLove, me Annemarie Spirit Soul, bringing you dear loving Spirit Soul

VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.

broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy wavesthat vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation.

when saying the feminine, not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in both men and women.”

Because the common essential powers we all share to either destroy, divide & suppress or to heal, UNITE, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, vision & responsibility.

Long ago, I was wandering the world starving for an experience of truth and beauty. The one truth I found which penetrated to the core of my heart was, that beyond the differences that divide us—nationality, religion, gender, race, appearance, health, or illness—lies the common essential quality we all share: the soul’s inherent ability to love.”


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