Radioerinnerungen Generator release

  • RE_generator_launch_2h_show_08_01_22
59:53 мин.
We don't have earlids - Wir haben keine Ohrenlider
1 ч. 00 сек.
Ali Özbas: Vom Call-In Rekordhalter zum Geschäftsführer
58:57 мин.
Marlies Pratter
1 ч. 00 сек.
RE #32: Imre
59:58 мин.
In Memoriam Gerhard Weissensteiner & Franz Hofer
57:47 мин.
RE: H o h r c h ! 2004
1 ч. 00 сек.
RE: Gunda Bachan
59:19 мин.
Hörkulturen: Justin Winkler
1 ч. 00 сек.
Radioerinnerungen von Alexander Baratsits

We started sewing the project more than a year ago.

From 27.4 till 21.12.2021 we aired 35 Radioerinnerungen shows every Tuesday 19:00-20:00 you can access and listen to them all.  Thank you so much to all of interviewers who were interested in inviting guests, opening up questions, digging through their radio memories. As well to all being interviewed for their stories, emotions, memories and openness to share them with all of us.

Thank you to all  who decided to explore theoretical backgrounds, philosophical approaches and thus create content that goes beyond the classic interview.

And now came the time when we can say: Yes, we have come to the last stage of the project, when we gather together the excerpts from all the interviews and the resulting memories and «pack» them in a box called Radioerinnerungen Generator.

And how does it look like? It has three dimensions and is available for viewing, listening and testing in the Radio Helsinki foyer, together with a projection of diapositives and quotes from the interviews on the front window. A swell passing by Radio Helsinki you can enjoy checking the old program flyers and other visual material from archive.


In the last and special edition of the radio program «Radioernnerungen», which was produced for the occasion of the end of the project, we have prepared a collection of excerpts, clippings and fragments from the archive material produced during the project. The program is broadcast in the timeframe «Sorry we’re open», partly pre-produced and partly live, in conjunction with the official launch of the «Radioerinnerungen Generator» in the foyer of Radio Helsinki. Claudia Holzer prepared a collage of the material, hosted the show and invited Gea Gračner and Lale Rodgarkia-Dara — collaborators of the project to the live inteview about their impressions, closing words and thoughts on the generator’s launch.

Photo credits: Lena Prehal


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