VENUSfrequency yogic edition 22 APR 2022 | sutra 2.19 | gunas | earth day

  • VENUSfrequency yogic edition 22 APR 2022 | sutra 2.19 | gunas | earth day
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EARTHDAY it is and sutra 2.19 is getting its spotlight.

aS Shakespear used to say

the EARTH has music for THOSE who LISTEN…

so do listen to the earth as well as this carefully curated playlist as our soundtrack for earthday and underlining today’s yoga sutra 2.19 studies in which Patanjali further analyzes the nature of “the seen” (prakriti), the difference between the Seer (Puru-sha) and the seen, and what leads us to confuse the Seer and the seen.

Earth teach me stillness as the grasses are stilled with light

Earth teach me suffering as old stones suffer with memory

Earth teach me humbly as blossoms are humble with beginning

Earth teach me caring as the mother who secures her young

Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone

Earth teach me limitation as the ant which crawls on the ground

Earth teach me freedom as the eagle which soars in the sky

Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall

Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring

Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life

Earth teach me to remember kindness as dry fields weep with rain.

-Ute indiginous Prayer

VENUSfrequency, a weekly radioshow, or podcast, whatever you would like to name it, a pop|culture take of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and lov-ing world.

Me ANNEMARIE always loved soaring like an eagle in the sky, but keeping my feet on the ground these days and reminding you to feel, put and feel your feet on the ground too…. realizing your earthly beauty, humanity and spirit soul.

raisingvibrations and healingtogether, humbly as well as couragrously broadcasting frequencies and supporting energy waves that vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nour-ish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation.

Bringing forth faith, hope, love, healing and the feminine,

and with that not meaning gender, but the feminine principle that is living—or sup-pressed—in all of us men or women.”

because the power to either destroy, divide & suppress

or to

heal, UNITE, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, vision & responsibiy


MAY we continue to YOGA together,

may we realize & Salute that very SOURCE and oneNESS within each other,

Let us continue to practice, grow and change together, for UNITY and peace. …..

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