Ollas Comunes – Collective Solutions for Individual Problems

Globale Dialoge – Women on Air
  • Ollas Comunes – Collective Solutions for Individual Problems
59:59 Min.
Mit Humor und Kreativität
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Defensoras Feministas
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Demokratie braucht Fürsorge
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Kommerzielle Leihmutterschaft in Russland und der Ukraine
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Queerfeminismus und Queersensibilität im Hebammen*beruf
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Commission on the Status of Women – Status quo der Gleichberechtigung
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News Check März: feministische Nachrichten

In this episode, we talk about the Ollas Comunes in Chile. It can be translated as Solidarity Kitchens but it’s way more than that. How Pili describes it: “it’s a huge pod that everybody can eat from.” It’s about taking action in times of crises, about empowerment, and about learning how to self-organize. It’s feminist, it’s resistance, it’s powerful. And it has a longer history but started to bloom again in the recent crises connected to the repression during the 2019 revolte and the corona-pandemia.

It’s the collective jumping in to find solutions for the problems of many individuum in times of crises – but not just in form of charity or rationed food-packages.

How the collective cooking in a public place can cause all that and more will be discussed here.

Sendungsgestaltung: Hannah Barth und Pilar Mason

Im Interview: Pilar Mason, Cook

Sprachen: Englisch, Spanisch

Musik: Cuarencueca (Ollas Comunes) – Camila Chascona Cacerolazo – Ana Tijoux Antipatriarca – Ana Tijoux Quememos el reino – Camila Moreno

Video-Sections: El Páramo – Olla Comun – Chile Solidarity Network

Fotocredit: José Venegas

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